Count Your Blessings (Literally)

The first time I was in the hospital, I talked to a pastor who perhaps changed my life. Sorry, I don’t remember your name, but you impacted me at large. I will always remember this encounter. For the hospital, we have sessions like group therapy, recreational therapy, art therapy, music therapy, meeting with your doctor, etc. This was an optional session. A pastor came around and spoke with those who wanted to see him. He spoke individually to us in order that we would feel more comfortable, we could talk about our individual issues going on, and he could pray to suit what we talked about. We were talking, and I was saying how I ended up there. I shared with him my biggest feeling at the time which was that I felt abandoned. I felt abandoned by God, my mother, my brothers and friends who went off to college, my friends who were too busy for me, my dad with his work. I just simply felt abandoned and that God had walked away. The pastor told me that God never leaves nor abandons. We do. That really opened my eyes up to a newfound perspective. I was the one who had walked away from God, and what I needed to do was to find my way back to Him. We talked some more. Then he described to me how we are all given a toolbox. Each toolbox contains things special to just us, making each one unique and personal. He then asked me what was in my toolbox. I said it was empty. We then worked together to start to fill up my toolbox. This toolbox keeps us healthy and can be used for our mental, spiritual, and physical health. After he left, this led me to count my blessings literally on a sheet of paper. I was determined to count 100 of my blessings. I figured why not do that again now. Here is an updated and current version of my blessings counted for the phase of life I am in right now.

1. God and His unfailing love

2. Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice

3. My dad who is devoted and determined to his children, helping those who are sick, and his family and friends as a whole

4. My family members who support me even when it may not be what they initially wanted for me

5. My friends who I can rely on despite the time or day

6. My camp family who has accepted me as I am

7. Everything I have gone through with my mental health which sounds funny but has led me to become the person I am today

8. The fact that I am alive and have this life I have been given and blessed with

9. Clean water

10. Warm water

11. Air conditioning

12. A heater

13. A car that is mine to use (Go Ramona!)

14. More than enough clothes

15. The financial stability of my parents that I luckily and graciously have

16. This gap year to figure out what I want and love & who I am

17. My love for children and working with them

18. My passion to help others

19. Brothers that care

20. An eccentric grandma

21. Talented friends which push me

22. Aunts that I can talk to

23. Cousins that make me laugh

24. Cherry Garcia Ice Cream because it is my one true love

25. Rom coms to make me cry and smile all at the same time

26. Target to cheer me up on a rainy day

27. Snow because it’s an absolutely magical thing

28. Fuzzy socks that keep my feet warm

29. Pillsbury cinnamon rolls which are a Godsend

30. My quirks and all

31. My optimism to believe in better things

32. My future!!

33. Ambition and drive

34. Acts of Kindness by those I know and do not know

35. Thoughtfulness by others

36. Pure joy

37. Relationships in my life whether they last or do not in terms of friends, romantically, or loved ones

38. All the unnecessary luxuries I have in my day-to-day life like Spotify Premium, Netflix, and Amazon Prime

39. A cellphone, especially such a nice one as the iPhone 6S

40. Genuine authenticity

41. Hope to go on.

42. Those who have served as my inspirations like Jamie Tworkowski and Amy Bleudel

43. My big dreams

44. My best friend Hannah who continues to amaze me with her huge heart and love for others

45. Hannah’s family who treats me as their own

46. Forgiveness from others and myself

47. Compassion

48. Those who speak out against the prejudices, stigmas, and stereotypes including me

49. Acceptance of all

50. Equality of the sexes

51. Men feminists like Aziz Ansari and my brother!

52. Speaking up as a whole and letting your voice be heard

53. Strong women…that’s all you ladies out there!!

54. The police, firemen, and all those who protect us

55. All the different religions and learning from them

56. Differences in the human race rather cookie cutter people

57. The brightest stars that remind me of the people in my life have passed but are looking down on me

58. Nature in all its beauty

59. Podcasts that enlighten me

60. Breathing which calms me down

61. Clarity in tough times

62. Torchy’s trashy trailer park tacos bc they are soooo damn good

63. Adaptability

64. Strength in all forms by all people

65. Resiliency like a phoenix

66. Talent from others and the fact that they show it to us to enjoy and smile about

67. People doing what they love

68. People’s passion to make a difference in this world

69. Strangers who are kind

70. When someone asks how your day is going

71. Honesty even when it hurts

72. Trials to test and grow us into who we are called to be

73. Community

74. Kerbey Lane queso…am I right?!

75. Playing board games with my family (especially Apples to Apples)

76. Help from others

77. Helping others

78. Doctors who make us better (that’s my dad!)

79. My beyond talented, like raw talent, friend Emily at music and art who is going to make it big one day in the music industry

80. My Sarah/Sour who makes me genuinely laugh & is going to save lives as a wonderful nurse one day

81. Dylan O’Brien, my celebrity husband, who I’ve loved since the beginning

82. My dog Comet who soars through the sky when he jumps and lays by me when I’m ill

83. Freedom to choose

84. Deep conversations that last for hours

85. Quality Time — my love language so that’s how you can show me you love me my future boyfriends and my family & friends!!

86. My mentor Lexi who is always willing to talk and listen

87. Tai because she teaches me a lot and makes me try new things like Buddhist Festivals and Thai things

88. Texas and all its personality especially the weather (whew!)

89. Traveling and learning more about the world and myself through it

90. Having an adventurous spirit

91. Trying new things because it’s fun

92. Stepping outside my comfort zone and challenging myself

93. Environmentally conscious and friendly peeps

94. Animals and all the joy they bring to our lives

95. Music and it’s lyrics being so relatable

96. Live music aka concerts because they make me feel alive

97. Long drives that give you time to think

98. Gentleman who open the door for you and whatnot

99. My future husband who I can’t thank you enough for loving me as I am

100. Life- my beautifully messy one but altogether mine

If you made it to the end of this list, I applaud you and know who my true readers are. My challenge for you now is to make your own 100 blessings list!!

All the best,


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