Snapshot of 2017 Mental Health Statistics

Here is a quick snapshot of the state of mental health in America in 2017 calculated by Mental Health America. Here is the link in which they explain this picture and more:

Mental health is an important aspect to everyone. Whether you know someone with a mental health condition or you have it yourself, it is important to know that mental health affects us all in one shape or another. Raising awareness helps in a variety of ways: people being knowledgeable about the topic, people feeling more comfortable to talk about their own situation with mental health, reducing the risk of suicide, and much much more. Therefore, it is important to stay up to date on how mental health is affecting our country along with other countries. This is a current snapshot of America, but mental health affects so many other people in other countries too. It is a global issue. I truly encourage you and me to stay knowledgeable about mental health currently and globally.