Quote of November “If you speak up about the things that you believe in- whether its immigrants’ rights, postpartum depression, or the joys… Continue reading “Quote of November”…
“The Road So Far” by Griffen Harbolt Hey friends and strangers (soon to be come friends hopefully haha) alike, How are y’all? I hope all is well… Continue reading ““The Road So Far” by Griffen Harbolt”…
Jesus Praise Spotify Playlist https://open.spotify.com/user/12145973091/playlist/1mE9B7VcOqnrMG5HZieSRP?si=TZ9w2IzbQwSC9wHGdGMNwA Here is a playlist I have composed on Spotify that consists of Christian music that uplifts, comforts, supports, and… Continue reading “Jesus Praise Spotify Playlist”…
My Letter to Andrew McMahon / My Story So Far If anyone knows anything about me, they know how much Andrew McMahon has impacted and influenced me. His song “Swim”… Continue reading “My Letter to Andrew McMahon / My Story So Far”…