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Here is a space to talk about whatever mental health issues you want to without judgment. You do not need to feel ashamed, anxious, embarrassed, guilty, depressed, or whatever you may be feeling negatively in regards to your own mental health.  You are strong.  You are a warrior.  You have and will overcome.  What we need in this world is to work towards creating a world where there are less stigmas associated with mental health and more freedom to discuss it.  That change must first happen in you.  Your story is unique, important, and truly matters.  So pledge to say to yourself that you refuse to sink, you refuse to let the waves of depression or anxiety or bipolar or schizophrenia or whatever drag you down, you refuse to let your mental illness become who you are because you are so much more than that.  You will swim on.

I am a girl who is here to tell my own personal stories about my life and how mental health has impacted me, made me stronger, and lead me to become the person I am today.  Please feel free to leave a comment or email me if you want to talk to someone.

Yours Truly,

Bethany Cohen